Navigon Freshmaps

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  4. Navigon Fresh Maps Free Download
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  2. Single Maps and FreshMaps coverage for Europe. Why have the routes different colors? (MyRoutes) How can I activate 'safety camera' on my NAVIGON device? Is it possible to use the maps from the NAVIGON app in the Crusier app? Transfer of the.

Navigon portable GPS navigators run on a powerful Samsung 400 MHz processor, a fully integrated SiRF Star III GPS chip, 64 MBs of both RAM and ROM built in, and a rechargeable 1,200 mAh lithium ion battery that is rated for 4.5 hours of continuous use. All this is housed in an ultra-thin, sleek housing. Delivering innovative GPS technology across diverse markets, including aviation, marine, fitness, outdoor recreation, tracking and mobile apps. NAVIGON FreshMaps are road-tested and quality-controlled at the source. Map updates you can trust. Additional Information; Date First Available: May 01, 2008 Warranty & Returns. Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information. Return Policies.

edited November -1 in NAVIGON Forum
Bought my first GPS today after months of lurking. It was an impulse buy, I was in favour of a Garmin 765T with the knowledge that Navigon has abandoned North America. I got the 2120 Max and a 12 updates Freshmaps card.
I have a few questions in need of answers:
1. Can I activate my Freshmaps card at a later date but must I activate it upon purchase? How often are maps updated? Would I have to choose and skip a few updates in order to get the most bang for my 3 years subscription.
2. What is the most recent maps and software for this model. Using the Navigon Fresh, it states that my software version (v1) is the latest, but I have seen mention of V1.2 here.
3. When I initiate a navigation, if the device doesn't get a signal. It just sits there like a brick. There is no chance of cancelling or do something else with the menu. Is this common. Is there a reset (I have just downloaded the manual but haven't read it...)
Thanks in advance.


  • When I bought my 2120max it had version 6.5.0. After loading the latest software from NavigonFresh I have v.7.3.2. I'm not sure why you have v1.
    Answering your questions:
    1. You can activate Freshmaps when you wish, but until you download the latest maps you will be driving with at least 1 year old maps. It is up to you.
    2. The most recent, as far as I know, is Q2 2009 maps and 7.3.2 software. This what I got from NavigonFresh. But there are some issues with them. PGS crashes when you try to select any address with more than one choice: West, East... This is one of them: ON, North York, Steels Ave, 5385.
    I have more issues after downloading the latest version, see 2120max issue with ver 7.3.2, but it could be just my device.
    3. This is normal. You have to wait until it gets signal.
  • Thanks 2120 user,
    My bad, my software is actually v6.5.2 build 40 (03/10/2008)
    That's March 2008, I assume. Old indeed!
    Will keep this map/software for a while at least until the issues with Q2 2009 maps and 7.3.2 software is solved, pretty much every street here has a N, S, E, W variation! I wonder if one can download say a Q1 2009, when Q2 is available.
    I didn't think it was possible, and glad to find out I can save routes and do multiple way points, eventhough it doesn't reorder waypoints, which can be good or undesirable. I don't believe that is possible with Navigon Navigator on iPhone.
  • More questions after briefly reading the manual:
    1. The manual mentions clock and screensaver in 'general settings'. I can only find 'basic settings' and no clock nor screensaver... are these 2100Max specific? My downloaded manual is 'Manual_2100max_2120max_English_Rev2_1'
    2. There is also supposed to be a setting to automatically trigger 'Day/night' mode, I don't seem to be able to find that either... starting to sound like a wrong manual or wrong software version.
  • You can set both by selecting: Options->General->Display Mode( page 1) and Screensaver( page 3)
  • You can set both by selecting: Options->General->Display Mode( page 1) and Screensaver( page 3)
    Which is what the manual says:
    From my main screen, if I choose 'Options', I have 8 buttons:
    Route Planning
    Direct Help
    GPS Status
    Service Activation
    Product Information
    When I click on 'Settings', I get 4 choices:
    Basic Settings
    Current Map
    Route Profile
    When I click on 'Basic Settings', I get 7 pages of choices (26 in total). Display Mode and Screensaver (same with anything with clock) are not there... From here, I only get a option to 'Cancel' or 'Done'
    Looks like time to upgrade the software/map... even though Q2 2009 maps are buggy
  • I just realized that you have v 6.5.xx not 7xx. I think you downloaded wrong manual. There are two options on navigon Website:
    NAVIGON 2100 max (For FreshMaps Customers)
    If you have downloaded your FreshMaps on or after October 31, 2008, please use these:
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max MN7 English (US & Canada)
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max MN7 Espanol
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max MN7 Francais
    NAVIGON 2100 max
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max English (US & Canada)
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max Espanol
    * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max Francais
    you should select, I think, the second one.
  • * User's Manual Navigon 2100/2120 max English (US & Canada)
    That looks more like it. I am probably going to activate my freshmaps and download the new software later... Thanks
  • When you download the latest version please let me know if you have the same issues with 2120max as I do. It will help me to decide what to do with my device: send to for repair Navigon or wait for the next version.
  • When you download the latest version please let me know if you have the same issues with 2120max as I do. It will help me to decide what to do with my device: send to for repair Navigon or wait for the next version.
    Will do. Since others are also reporting similar behaviour, I doubt it is your device but one never really knows. Will do so when I get a moment. Since I am on a Mac and switching to PC mode can be a pain.
    Decided to give the Navigon away as a gift to my mother-in-law. She is giving us her old car!
  • When you download the latest version please let me know if you have the same issues with 2120max as I do. It will help me to decide what to do with my device: send to for repair Navigon or wait for the next version.
    It crashes! Tested with ON, North York, Steels Ave, 5385. You are not alone :(
    Can I use older maps with this software version I wonder
  • Sorry to hear that.
    With v 6xx you have one big MAP file ( US + Canada ). With v 7xx you have seperate files for each state and province. You have to use proper software version with proper maps.
    One question, when you reset your device did you manage to use saved destinations or did you get the message 'cannot load destination'?
  • 'The destination cannot be loaded!'
    Wow, looks like I won't be able to give this away tomorrow! (to a complete technophobe). I am restoring back to v6. v7 is as good as a brick at this stage!
  • You wil have the same message every time you connect GPS to your computer. You will loose all your destinations.
    This version sucks big time. I do not understant how Navigon could released such buggy software.
  • Are you actually using it or an earlier map? This one is unusable. I thought manually typing the NSEW designation would avoid the crash, but the software doesn't let me.
    I am contemplating returning the GPS... 2 hours after I have activated my Freshmaps!
  • I have no choice. I cannot return it. Also, in my area so many roads changed that I need new maps. I just hope that Navigon will fix all the bugs soon and deliver fully functioning software.
  • I have no choice. I cannot return it. Also, in my area so many roads changed that I need new maps. I just hope that Navigon will fix all the bugs soon and deliver fully functioning software.
    Unless you have an iphone I wouldn't hold my breath on that. At this point, I wouldn't hold my breath with anything Navigon related in North America. People are having to get the Q3 2009 maps off of the iphone applications since they still haven't put out that update yet for anything else. I think once I get my Navigon gps working again (my own dumb fault) I'm going to sell it on ebay and get something from Garmin or TomTom. It's a shame too because I really like my Navigon 2000s and the features it has. But, without reliable customer service, updates and software, what good are their products at this point? Unless I plan on moving to Europe, I just don't see the point in sticking with them in North America.
  • I tried to use Navigon Q3 Maps from iPhone, and got the same crash! It is obviously software version related.
    I have contacted Navigon support but haven't heard from them.
    I am going to cut loses, and return the hardware today. As for the freshmaps subscription card I have activated just to put in the bad software, I am going to see if I can get it transfer to somebody who might be able to use it. It is likely not refundable.
    I usually like European products for quality. I am burnt this time!
  • GPS returned. A '11-updates left' freshmaps subscription card is now useless. I might see if they can turned off my activation. (Unlikely!) or transfer to someone who might have use for it.
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