Excel Text Disappears

I have an Excel spreadsheet and in one cell I have a large amount of text. This cell is a number of cells merged together and has Word Wrap on. It is also aligned horizontally as general and vertically as top. The issue is that sometimes (only once) the Word Wrap seems to be working and the remainder of the time the last bit of text disappears! Apr 23, 2013 Re: Cell input disappears after enter. I still cannot write to this workbook. Instead, I opened Excel then from there opened the problem workbook and now I can write to it. After (first) saving the Excel 2010 file (on a hosted 64-bit server platform), the slicers (vertical & horizontal) disappear - ONLY from the field boxes on the right. Nonetheless, the (originally set / selected) slicers REMAIN (with)in the bounding boxes to the left (vertical) & top (horizontal) bounding boxes.

  1. Excel Text Disappears Excel
  2. Macros Disappear Excel

Not aware of a piece of software for what you've asked but to address the other part of the question, it's clutching at sttraws a little, but I have a question or 2 that lead to answers - was the drive ejected with with the safely remove drive icon from the Windows notification area or otherwise 'ejected' via a UI somewhere, or was the cable just pulled? Is so what are the the write caching options set to for that drive?

Excel Text Disappears

IIRC (this may have changed, not had to look at something like this for a few years) Excel delete the current file and writes a new copy of it when you save so if that was still waiting to be flushed to disk when it was pulled the old file would potentially be one and the replacment not shown up yet.

If that's happened and nothing else has been written to the disk since you can probably find the file with some file recovery tools for the relevant file system.

Sheryl can use Conditional Formatting to make a cell appear a certain color if the cell is empty. Instead of a different color for the empty cell, she would like the empty cell to show some text. For instance, if the cell is empty, she might want to have it show 'Customer Name,' which would serve as a prompt to the user. Sheryl wonders if there is a way to do this sort of 'conditional formatting' that shows text.

The short answer is no, this cannot be done. The traditional way to get around it is to separate your prompts from your input cells. For instance, if the user input is expected in cell B4, you might put the wording 'Customer Name:' (with the colon) in cell A4. If you want the wording to disappear when the customer name is entered, you could, instead, use a formula in cell A4:

There's also an approach you can use that takes advantage of the way that Excel deals with 'cell overrun' when the cells contain text. Let's say, for example, that (again) your user input is expected in cell B4. You could make column A very narrow—say, about a single character wide—and then in cell A4 press the Space Bar a few times and type 'Customer Name.' As long as there is nothing in cell B4, what you typed in cell A4 is displayed, but it looks like it is in cell B4. When someone types something in cell B4, this blocks what is in cell A4 from being displayed. You could even, if desired, make the text in cell A4 a light gray, so it appears subdued when displayed.

Excel Text Disappears Excel

If you prefer to go a macro route, you'll want to create one that is triggered whenever there is a change in the worksheet. This would go into the code module for the worksheet being used:

Macros Disappear Excel


Note that the macro only kicks into action if the cell being changed is cell B4.